Attachment A: Letter to the sheriff filing for child abuse.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[your phone number]
[your email]
Attn: (County Sheriff)
[name of your county] Sheriff’s Department
[Address of office]
[Email address]
Dear [Sheriff],
I am writing to report child abuse by [name of judge and name of lawyer]. These individuals have repeatedly failed to recognize clear incidents of emotional child abuse. [Judge’s name] repeatedly sends my children into abusive situations by his court order.
This warrants immediate action as my children are in imminent danger. [Judge’s name] has, in numerous cases, failed to safeguard my children by ordering or allowing custody plans and visitation schedules that traumatize my children and are not in the best interest of the children.
Furthermore, [attorney’s name] promotes these emotionally abusive custody agreements, encourages individuals to enter into them and enforces them in [judge’s name’s] court. These custody plans and visitation schedules are directly harmful to my children. As a sitting judge and a practicing attorney, [Judge’s name and lawyer’s name] have an obligation to protect children from abusive situations, and the opposite of protection continues to happen. I would request that your office immediately investigate these individuals, arrest them, and have them prosecuted.
Based on psychological research and statements from the American Psychological Association, repeated separation from parents directly causes trauma, higher ACEs scores, and can lead to splitting, depression, anxiety, and lifelong psychological issues.
The symptoms of emotional child abuse are seen in numerous cases. Despite seeing these symptoms, [judge’s name and attorney’s name] continue to substitute their opinion for the best interests of children.
Knowing that emotional child abuse is ongoing in countless family homes and doing nothing about it is the definition of disregard for these children and the definition of individuals that should be investigated, prosecuted and jailed.
Emotional abuse is every bit as damaging as sexual abuse. Despite pleas for help [judge’s name and attorney’s name], repeatedly do nothing to help these children.
The United States Department of Justice has defined domestic violence as an act that damages the relationship with one’s children. These custody schedules are harming parental relationships with my children. It is domestic violence.
I have attached empirical evidence detailing the harmfulness of the visitation schedules and custody plans promoted by [judge’s name and attorney’s name]. [Judge’s name and attorney’s name] puts children in harm’s way. I hope that this research will prompt you to take immediate action to protect my children’s lives from further abuse.
You can protect these children by investigating [Judge’s Name and Attorney’s name], who does not protect children. After investigating, you will see the damage that [Judge’s name and attorney’s name] have caused my children and arrest them and have them prosecuted.
Attachment A is a press release that defines emotional child abuse as bad as sexual abuse, if not worse. The press release is from the American Psychological Association dated October 2014.
Attachment B is a letter from the American Psychological Association that explains with empirical evidence and decades of psychological research from the most prestigious psychological organization in the United States that “IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD AND THE FAMILY TO KEEP FAMILIES TOGETHER,” and the sudden and unexpected family separation of parents and children without any doubts causes trauma.
Please let me know when the cases are filed, and ready for me to pick up.
Please email me here:
[your name here]
Date created: 2014
Childhood Psychological Abuse as
Harmful as Sexual or Physical Abuse
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[your phone number]
[your email]
Attn: (County Sheriff)
[name of your county] Sheriff’s Department
[Address of office]
[Email address]
Dear [Sheriff],
I am writing to report child abuse by [name of judge and name of lawyer]. These individuals have repeatedly failed to recognize clear incidents of emotional child abuse. [Judge’s name] repeatedly sends my children into abusive situations by his court order.
This warrants immediate action as my children are in imminent danger. [Judge’s name] has, in numerous cases, failed to safeguard my children by ordering or allowing custody plans and visitation schedules that traumatize my children and are not in the best interest of the children.
Furthermore, [attorney’s name] promotes these emotionally abusive custody agreements, encourages individuals to enter into them and enforces them in [judge’s name’s] court. These custody plans and visitation schedules are directly harmful to my children. As a sitting judge and a practicing attorney, [Judge’s name and lawyer’s name] have an obligation to protect children from abusive situations, and the opposite of protection continues to happen. I would request that your office immediately investigate these individuals, arrest them, and have them prosecuted.
Based on psychological research and statements from the American Psychological Association, repeated separation from parents directly causes trauma, higher ACEs scores, and can lead to splitting, depression, anxiety, and lifelong psychological issues.
The symptoms of emotional child abuse are seen in numerous cases. Despite seeing these symptoms, [judge’s name and attorney’s name] continue to substitute their opinion for the best interests of children.
Knowing that emotional child abuse is ongoing in countless family homes and doing nothing about it is the definition of disregard for these children and the definition of individuals that should be investigated, prosecuted and jailed.
Emotional abuse is every bit as damaging as sexual abuse. Despite pleas for help [judge’s name and attorney’s name], repeatedly do nothing to help these children.
The United States Department of Justice has defined domestic violence as an act that damages the relationship with one’s children. These custody schedules are harming parental relationships with my children. It is domestic violence.
I have attached empirical evidence detailing the harmfulness of the visitation schedules and custody plans promoted by [judge’s name and attorney’s name]. [Judge’s name and attorney’s name] puts children in harm’s way. I hope that this research will prompt you to take immediate action to protect my children’s lives from further abuse.
You can protect these children by investigating [Judge’s Name and Attorney’s name], who does not protect children. After investigating, you will see the damage that [Judge’s name and attorney’s name] have caused my children and arrest them and have them prosecuted.
Attachment A is a press release that defines emotional child abuse as bad as sexual abuse, if not worse. The press release is from the American Psychological Association dated October 2014.
Attachment B is a letter from the American Psychological Association that explains with empirical evidence and decades of psychological research from the most prestigious psychological organization in the United States that “IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD AND THE FAMILY TO KEEP FAMILIES TOGETHER,” and the sudden and unexpected family separation of parents and children without any doubts causes trauma.
Please let me know when the cases are filed, and ready for me to pick up.
Please email me here:
[your name here]
Date created: 2014
Childhood Psychological Abuse as
Harmful as Sexual or Physical Abuse