How do you stop the largest child trafficking ring on the planet?
Especially, when the people who are in charge of stopping child trafficking are the criminals doing the child trafficking. Their profit: 160 Billion dollars per year to traffick children? This is a fact when you take into account the profits from Title 4d, lawyers/Bar Associations, and mental health professionals.
For me, it has become readily apparent that there is a revolution already cresting and it seems one of the only ways people have to stop has put legislators, judges, the DCS, police departments, and even their families' lives in danger. In many parents' minds only then will those in control slow down or stop the trafficking of innocent children and the destruction of families. I do not say this lightly, but what does a parent do when they approach any one of these groups to file child abuse charges and are literally turned away? These departments have brought this on themselves by refusing to file (covering up) child abuse reports, belittling, and ignoring parents until they go away. Where does that leave a parent when their own children are being abused directly in front of them and their complaints go unanswered, thus losing the ability to protect their own children?
The book "What happened to you" by Oprah and Dr. Bruce Perry takes a deep dive into the trauma of children and its possible consequences. The book was absolutely amazing and I would recommend it to literally the world but most importantly anyone working with children.
I would then highly recommend reading my books. Not because I am trying to make money but to emphasize how the American Psychological Association, Justice System, and legislators are paid to abuse children and kill parents.
No, this is not a joke or clickbait. These are the sobering facts that have been put out through investigative journalism and my direct contact with these individuals. I have personally spoken with the presidents of the APA, State Attorney generals, Sheriff, and police departments, as well as countless clinical psychologists and Dr. Bruce Perry himself.
Dr. Bruce Perry's exact quote on this subject was, "It seems that you have answered your own question and we have nothing left to add" The questions proposed were about psychological child abuse.
DSM- 5 V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse
V61.29 Child Affected by Parental Relationship Distress
V61.20 Parent-Child Relationship Problem
IDC 10: F24 Shared Prosecutory Delusion/Psychotic disorder
These specific diagnosis points to a term called Parental Alienation and has been backed up by:
Dr. Bill Bernet Vanderbilt University
Dr. Jennifer Jill Harman Colorado State University
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk: Trauma Research Foundation
Dr. Bruce Perry; Nuerosequential Child Trauma Academy
Dr Richard Warshak: Book Divorce Poison
Linda J. Gottlieb, LMFT, LCSW-R
Edward Kruk Ph.D.
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Dr. Craig Childress
Dr. Amy Baker
Dr. Michael J. Bone
Dr. Sue Cornbluth
Dr. Mark Roseman
Dr. Les Linet M.D.
Dr. Patricia Love
Dr. Mark Otis
And the list goes on...
The crux of my books points out a press release by the APA in October 2014 where the headline states Psychological Child Abuse as bad if not worse than Sexual or physical abuse.
The CDC list Psychological Abuse as more prevalent than Sexual and physical abuse combined.
So, how does this occur? In Dr. Perry's book, he goes into detail about the family structure, attachment, and the support around a child for a healthy brain to develop.
He speaks about some horrendous circumstances that some children went through and how they either coped with their trauma while others were not able to find a rhythm to heal and move on.
I am sure most of you know someone that does not speak or talk to a parent. Many times there is an irrational fear or delusion. Some times this is from abuse that that parent has done but more often
the break of an attachment bond occurs right after a divorce or separation.
What do you think a developing brain will do when a once loving base attachment bond (Father or Mother) is perverted into a delusion that is to be feared and avoided at all costs? A parent that you once loved with every fiber of your being and who loves you is poisoned. What does that brain do when the attachment bond (love) is rejected and should be feared and cut off? How does a child's brain process and move forward when they are taught to have an emotional cutoff to deny empathy?
Here is what happens: Severe Emotional Damage • Splitting • Delusions • Role Reversal • Depression • Cross-Generational-Coalition • Anxiety • Drug Use • Borderline Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder• Shared Prosecutory Delusions • Shared Psychotic Disorder • Lack of empathy • Emotional cutoff• Being a Regulatory Object • Enmeshment • Higher ACEs scores • increased Trauma • Coercive Control • and of course SUICIDE.
These assessments and diagnoses are not mine but are compiled by Dr. Bowlby, Dr. Beck, and Dr. Minuchin. Three pillars of the psychology itself and Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and Dr. Bruce Perry two pillars of the Neuroscience community.
Here is the biggest question we should be asking, How do these disorders and diagnoses go unchecked? We are not talking about a little population of people. We are talking about 23 million people, approximately 1 million per year.
ref: A research study by Dr. Jennifer Jill Harman Colorado State University.
After speaking with the past 4 presidents of the APA, Justice officials, therapists, and alienated parents, that answer is very simple yet complicated. Of course, we can follow the money but the complete lack of ethics from the Bar Associations, The American Psychologist Association, and the Departments of Child Services, and many Domestic Violence groups do not excuse them for allowing psychological child abuse and Intimate Partner Violence to continue. We are talking about lifelong emotional and psychological damage to an enormous percentage of our population. All of these groups are well aware of this abuse and its consequences and actively engage in the abuse.
Cash for kids and cash for Intimate Partner Violence.
Until this abuse is stopped I will smile at every one of these child abusers that is buried under the jail. They are not heroes, this is not a small percentage of bad ones that make the rest look bad, they are not here to protect and serve
Don't believe me? Please take my challenge and post a comment on this post with your results My children were absolutely psychologically abused, try and file a report with Len Hagaman of the Watauga County Sheriffs department and see how quickly he refuses to file a report. (Every report of suspected child abuse is mandated by NC to be filed and reported) Or call the Director of the Watauga DSS Tom Hughes (828) 265-8100 who refused to do an investigation and who protected his staff rather than my children by stating that emotional/psychological abuse is not mandated in the state's definition of child abuse.
Please, prove me wrong.
BTW: All 50 states have a mandatory law for reporting of child abuse.
Kenneth Gottfried Author
#Americanpsychologicalassociation #apa #ama #oprahwinfrey #Drbruceperry #psycology #Abuse #domesticviolence #childabuseawareness # #depression #mentalhealth #anxiety #wellness #psychology #stress #suicideprevention #therapists #therapy #childtrafficking #Whathappenedtoyou
Especially, when the people who are in charge of stopping child trafficking are the criminals doing the child trafficking. Their profit: 160 Billion dollars per year to traffick children? This is a fact when you take into account the profits from Title 4d, lawyers/Bar Associations, and mental health professionals.
For me, it has become readily apparent that there is a revolution already cresting and it seems one of the only ways people have to stop has put legislators, judges, the DCS, police departments, and even their families' lives in danger. In many parents' minds only then will those in control slow down or stop the trafficking of innocent children and the destruction of families. I do not say this lightly, but what does a parent do when they approach any one of these groups to file child abuse charges and are literally turned away? These departments have brought this on themselves by refusing to file (covering up) child abuse reports, belittling, and ignoring parents until they go away. Where does that leave a parent when their own children are being abused directly in front of them and their complaints go unanswered, thus losing the ability to protect their own children?
The book "What happened to you" by Oprah and Dr. Bruce Perry takes a deep dive into the trauma of children and its possible consequences. The book was absolutely amazing and I would recommend it to literally the world but most importantly anyone working with children.
I would then highly recommend reading my books. Not because I am trying to make money but to emphasize how the American Psychological Association, Justice System, and legislators are paid to abuse children and kill parents.
No, this is not a joke or clickbait. These are the sobering facts that have been put out through investigative journalism and my direct contact with these individuals. I have personally spoken with the presidents of the APA, State Attorney generals, Sheriff, and police departments, as well as countless clinical psychologists and Dr. Bruce Perry himself.
Dr. Bruce Perry's exact quote on this subject was, "It seems that you have answered your own question and we have nothing left to add" The questions proposed were about psychological child abuse.
DSM- 5 V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse
V61.29 Child Affected by Parental Relationship Distress
V61.20 Parent-Child Relationship Problem
IDC 10: F24 Shared Prosecutory Delusion/Psychotic disorder
These specific diagnosis points to a term called Parental Alienation and has been backed up by:
Dr. Bill Bernet Vanderbilt University
Dr. Jennifer Jill Harman Colorado State University
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk: Trauma Research Foundation
Dr. Bruce Perry; Nuerosequential Child Trauma Academy
Dr Richard Warshak: Book Divorce Poison
Linda J. Gottlieb, LMFT, LCSW-R
Edward Kruk Ph.D.
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Dr. Craig Childress
Dr. Amy Baker
Dr. Michael J. Bone
Dr. Sue Cornbluth
Dr. Mark Roseman
Dr. Les Linet M.D.
Dr. Patricia Love
Dr. Mark Otis
And the list goes on...
The crux of my books points out a press release by the APA in October 2014 where the headline states Psychological Child Abuse as bad if not worse than Sexual or physical abuse.
The CDC list Psychological Abuse as more prevalent than Sexual and physical abuse combined.
So, how does this occur? In Dr. Perry's book, he goes into detail about the family structure, attachment, and the support around a child for a healthy brain to develop.
He speaks about some horrendous circumstances that some children went through and how they either coped with their trauma while others were not able to find a rhythm to heal and move on.
I am sure most of you know someone that does not speak or talk to a parent. Many times there is an irrational fear or delusion. Some times this is from abuse that that parent has done but more often
the break of an attachment bond occurs right after a divorce or separation.
What do you think a developing brain will do when a once loving base attachment bond (Father or Mother) is perverted into a delusion that is to be feared and avoided at all costs? A parent that you once loved with every fiber of your being and who loves you is poisoned. What does that brain do when the attachment bond (love) is rejected and should be feared and cut off? How does a child's brain process and move forward when they are taught to have an emotional cutoff to deny empathy?
Here is what happens: Severe Emotional Damage • Splitting • Delusions • Role Reversal • Depression • Cross-Generational-Coalition • Anxiety • Drug Use • Borderline Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder• Shared Prosecutory Delusions • Shared Psychotic Disorder • Lack of empathy • Emotional cutoff• Being a Regulatory Object • Enmeshment • Higher ACEs scores • increased Trauma • Coercive Control • and of course SUICIDE.
These assessments and diagnoses are not mine but are compiled by Dr. Bowlby, Dr. Beck, and Dr. Minuchin. Three pillars of the psychology itself and Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and Dr. Bruce Perry two pillars of the Neuroscience community.
Here is the biggest question we should be asking, How do these disorders and diagnoses go unchecked? We are not talking about a little population of people. We are talking about 23 million people, approximately 1 million per year.
ref: A research study by Dr. Jennifer Jill Harman Colorado State University.
After speaking with the past 4 presidents of the APA, Justice officials, therapists, and alienated parents, that answer is very simple yet complicated. Of course, we can follow the money but the complete lack of ethics from the Bar Associations, The American Psychologist Association, and the Departments of Child Services, and many Domestic Violence groups do not excuse them for allowing psychological child abuse and Intimate Partner Violence to continue. We are talking about lifelong emotional and psychological damage to an enormous percentage of our population. All of these groups are well aware of this abuse and its consequences and actively engage in the abuse.
Cash for kids and cash for Intimate Partner Violence.
Until this abuse is stopped I will smile at every one of these child abusers that is buried under the jail. They are not heroes, this is not a small percentage of bad ones that make the rest look bad, they are not here to protect and serve
Don't believe me? Please take my challenge and post a comment on this post with your results My children were absolutely psychologically abused, try and file a report with Len Hagaman of the Watauga County Sheriffs department and see how quickly he refuses to file a report. (Every report of suspected child abuse is mandated by NC to be filed and reported) Or call the Director of the Watauga DSS Tom Hughes (828) 265-8100 who refused to do an investigation and who protected his staff rather than my children by stating that emotional/psychological abuse is not mandated in the state's definition of child abuse.
Please, prove me wrong.
BTW: All 50 states have a mandatory law for reporting of child abuse.
Kenneth Gottfried Author
#Americanpsychologicalassociation #apa #ama #oprahwinfrey #Drbruceperry #psycology #Abuse #domesticviolence #childabuseawareness # #depression #mentalhealth #anxiety #wellness #psychology #stress #suicideprevention #therapists #therapy #childtrafficking #Whathappenedtoyou